The Northern CO Rebuilders Seminar

THE #1 small-group divorce support and recovery program.

Led by a professional, experienced therapist facilitator.

The Rebuilders Workshop

THE online, small group divorce support and recovery program.

Feel Better Fast. Guaranteed.

Our programs work. We know because so many students have done our programs for so long that we have developed a unique proven process that will get you dramatic results in weeks, not years.

In just 10 weeks, you will:

  • Learn to break out of the endless questions and rehashing the past ("What happened? Why? What was my role? What was my partner's role? What could I have done differently?"). When you are asking yourself these questions, it isn't the answer you need, it's what's UNDERNEATH the questions. This is the secret on how to LET GO of the thinking. When you do this, you're able to be calm and focused.

  • Express the "difficult" feelings like grief and anger. We don't just teach you about these feelings--we help you process and release them in a healthy way. Many people assume that they will just be sad for a long time, but it doesn't have to be that way. You can make dramatic improvements in a very short amount of time. Most people feel anger but don't want to be angry - they just don't know how. With our unique system, you release the anger with new tools and information to process that anger so that you can be peaceful and centered.

  • Find yourself. Most people give so much to the other person that they lose themselves. When confronted with divorce, they don't know who they are without that other person. This is a critical phase in which people learn to be themselves, authentically - often for the first time in their lives.

  • Learn how to have healthy, deep and meaningful relationships. Trust, communication, boundaries, triggers. These are all affected by divorce, a culture of narcissism, codependency, and our upbringing. The final step is to learn how to "do it right". These tools, training, and information help people in their jobs, their friendships, with family, AND with current or future partners.

Listen to what Mat has to say, just 6 weeks into the program (click on the play button).

In Just 10 Weeks You Will:

  • Learn how to break out of the endless questions and thinking about the past. (What happened? Why? What waas my role? What was my partner's role? What could I have done differently?) When you are asking yourself these questions, it isn't the answer you need, it is what is UNDERNEATH the questions. This is the secret on how to Let GO of the thinking. When you do this you are calm and focused.

  • Express the "difficult" feelings like grief and anger. We don't just teach you about these feelings we help you process and release them in a healthy way. Many people assume that they will just be sad for a long time. It doesn't have to be that way. You can make dramatic improvements in a very short amount of time. With anger, most people feel it but don't want to be angry - they just don't know how. With our unique system we give you new tools and information to process that anger so that you can be peaceful and centered.

  • Find yourself. Most people give so much to the other person that they lose themselves. When confronted with divorce they don't know who they are without that other person. This is a critical phase in which people learn to be themselves, authentically - often for the first time in their lives.

  • Learn how to have healthy, deep and meaningful relationships. Trust, communication, boundaries, triggers. These are all affected by divorce, a culture of narcissism, codependency, and our upbringing. The final step is to learn how to "do it right". These tools, training, and information help people in their jobs, their friendships, with family, AND with current and future partners.

Listen to what Mat has to say in just 6 weeks into the program (click on the play button).

What you get in the Seminar:


In-Person, Small-Group Classes for 10 Weeks - 3 Hours per week

You will join a small group (no more than 12) of people, IN PERSON - all of whom are dealing with or recovering from divorce. These classes are led by your Expert Facilitator, Jennifer. The time together is very interactive - you will learn something new and then discuss and integrate the new information into your life. You will get feedback from the facilitator and from your peers. You will connect with others who "get it." YOU will Let Go and Move On with your life.


Personalized Growth Plan

Before the first class and again at the end of the course, you can schedule a 30-minute call with Jennifer (the facilitator) to review your FDAS Scores, understand what they mean, and have a growth plan customized just for you.


Group Text Thread

We organize a group texting format for you. You can call or text someone in your group and then someone else calls you. You support each other, get to know each other, and sometimes become life-long friends. Divorce is a lonely experience. You will build connections and gain a solid support network quickly.


Email Support

Have questions? Need additional support? We're here for you. We'll get your questions answered and support you as you move through this very challenging time in your life. You are NOT alone when you join this program. You have our support and guidance from the time you sign up.

The Seminar is an investment in yourself.

But is it worth it? In the videos below, our graduates answer that...

When you register for the Seminar, you also get these BONUSES...



On the first night of the seminar (or before, if arranged), we will provide you with printed materials that we know are helpful in your journey. First, you will get a 250-page text book that has been used by millions to learn the fundamentals about how to recover when your relationship ends. You will also get our Rebuilding workbook, which you will use for homework and in-class exercises.


Biweekly Support Group ("Prebuilders")

Join our in-person, drop-in support group, where we learn and talk with others in the class about what is going on with them. Here you can also learn, grow and connect outside of the Workshop environment to also get your questions answered. RSVP is required/$20 fee per group.
Fort Collins Divorce Support Meetup Group (Fort Collins, CO) | Meetup

Next class starting
Tuesdays, 01/07-03/11/25 5:30-8:30pm

Listen to Kevin talking about what makes the Rebuilders Seminar so unique and powerful...

Does The Rebuilders System Really Work?

Below you'll see why the Rebuilders system really works, why it is unique, what we do. We will let this information stand for itself! And yes, of course results will vary.

The Rebuilders Background: 40 years of changing people's lives.

Meet Dr. Bruce Fisher

The founder of the Rebuilders program was Dr. Bruce Fisher (1931-1998). He was born in Iowa but spent most of his adult life in Boulder, Colorado. He was a popular divorce therapist, author, teacher, and a clinical member of the American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy. As he worked with clients dealing with divorce, he realized that traditional therapy alone wasn't enough.

He began working with his clients in groups and eventually found that there are 19 "steps" that people must work through to effectively "Rebuild" their lives after relationship loss. From this work, he wrote the book "Rebuilding: When Your Relationship Ends."

We still use the Rebuilding book in our classes. Since he wrote the book over 30 years ago, we have learned a lot and the program has evolved considerably. Now we find that there are more "steps" and that there are some elements that Dr. Fisher wasn't aware of or misunderstood. However, he still created a powerful foundation for the program that we run today.

Hear from Rebuilders Graduates

"The course was exceptional. It was the bargain of a lifetime" - Fred

"I wish I had found the class a lot sooner." - Charlene

"I realized the importance of who I am" - Carl

"It changed my life. I now know I can handle anything" - Jamie

"Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" - Cathryn

"Now I'm not settling for anything less than pure happiness." - Terish

"I realized that until I really grieved and let it all out that I couldn't move on, and this program helped me do that." - Erin

"I feel joy again for the first time in several years." - Denise

"I couldn't have done it without Rebuilders" - Peter

"This is the best thing I've ever done." - Sandy

"It's been 10 years since my divorce and I still had a lot of grief." - Rick

"The Rebuilders workshop was a game changer for me." - Rudi

"I really think Rebuilders is unique." - Margaret

"The group experience is absolutely worth its weight in gold." - Karen

"My self esteem was pretty low and this program really helped me." - Jewel

Comments from our Graduates

I’m so thankful to have had the opportunity to have taken this journey with you and the class. It’s been very mind blowing and a real eye opener.


The Rebuilding Workshop helped me realize how much I was relying on other people to make me happy. No wonder my past relationships never worked out!

Bob W

The structured way that the Workshop was put together, helped me move through the initial pain, frustration and confusion. Even though I have benefited from therapy, this process made a big difference because I kept building a new foundation and new ways to become more adept at dealing with conflict and challenges.

Mary T.

Great course and great value!

R. Rummel

It was in about the fourth or fifth week when a lot of what I was learning came together for me, and the deep pain I had been in, started for the first time, to become manageable. As the Workshop went on, I found that I was able to become more focused at work and more attentive to my children’s needs

Sally B

At the beginning of the Workshop I was struggling a lot. The Facilitator, my fellow students, and the homework made a huge difference. I really was not sure I would feel good again. Now, I feel better, and have a much clearer sense of how I stay out of struggle, and keep moving forward in a positive way.

Marilyn D

Getting away from the obsessive/incessant thoughts and memories from the relationship ending. I remember going into this program 27 years earlier thinking that nobody could feel as badly as I did at the time. I soon found that was not true and everyone there was hurting no matter their circumstances. The same was true again. Being in a group setting, hearing others situations and issues, relating to them and growing through the crap together was very helpful for me. Thanks to you all for being part of my experience.

Bill R

Comments from our Graduates

Before I made the decision to take this class, I was lost emotionally and mentally. I remember how isolated I was from the world because of the depression. I couldn’t believe that someday I will go through a divorce. I lost sense of self. I didn’t even know what my purpose in life is and why am I still here. I got to the point where I hated myself because of the feeling of rejection. It was like a nightmare I wasn’t sure if I would ever wake up from it. I have tried almost everything but nothing has helped me get through this struggle but this class. Nick did a great job in reaching out for those who are in need to get their life back. He helped me understand where I’m and why I’m feeling the way I was. Not only that but he also gave me the effective tools to develop a healthy inner self and to continue my life that way I would like it to be regardless of my past. The wonderful people I met in this class have also impacted me tremendously. Sharing our divorce/separation experiences and everything that came with it has made me feel that I’m not alone. This group class was the best decision I’ve ever made and I feel so blessed to meet every one of you. Thank you all for your advice and the words of encouragement. I can now move on with my life and hope that I’ll continue fulfilling my purpose in this life.


I’m so thankful to have had the opportunity to have taken this journey with you and the class. It’s been very mind blowing and a real eye opener.


I would wholeheartedly encourage you to embrace Nick and the work and help that he provides so that you can walk a path to find yourself.


The Rebuilding Workshop helped me realize how much I was relying on other people to make me happy. No wonder my past relationships never worked out!

Bob W

The structured way that the Workshop was put together, helped me move through the initial pain, frustration and confusion. Even though I have benefited from therapy, this process made a big difference because I kept building a new foundation and new ways to become more adept at dealing with conflict and challenges.

Mary T.

Great course and great value!

R. Rummel

It was in about the fourth or fifth week when a lot of what I was learning came together for me, and the deep pain I had been in, started for the first time, to become manageable. As the Workshop went on, I found that I was able to become more focused at work and more attentive to my children’s needs

Sally B

At the beginning of the Workshop I was struggling a lot. The Facilitator, my fellow students, and the homework made a huge difference. I really was not sure I would feel good again. Now, I feel better, and have a much clearer sense of how I stay out of struggle, and keep moving forward in a positive way.

Marilyn D

I believe the most impactful part of our workshop for me was, how it taught me about myself. I became aware that I mattered. I had completely lost myself throughout my life of marriage and kids. I had existed as a non-entity until now. I learned that I am worth focusing on, being taken care of, valued, and cherished. I am worth having a good time, laughing, and my feelings, thoughts and dreams matter! I am a kind and giving person, but I can also take care of ME now as well. I am stronger than I think I am, and I am ENOUGH! This will be a constant journey of self-worth for me, so please keep me in all of your prayers and thoughts. You are all forever with me! Thank you, Nick!!!!!!!!!! Thanks everyone.


Getting away from the obsessive/incessant thoughts and memories from the relationship ending. I remember going into this program 27 years earlier thinking that nobody could feel as badly as I did at the time. I soon found that was not true and everyone there was hurting no matter their circumstances. The same was true again. Being in a group setting, hearing others situations and issues, relating to them and growing through the crap together was very helpful for me. Thanks to you all for being part of my experience.

Bill R

When my husband left suddenly and I was new to Denver, I knew I needed help navigating the scary world of separation and divorce. I discovered the Rebuilders Workshop through online research and believe this course not only sustained me during a difficult time but also provided key resources for building a life apart from one’s partner. Nick Meima does a superb job of creating a safe space for thoughtful and meaningful exploration during a very fragile time in one’s life. The deliberate and intentional topics help those in distress make sense of what is happening and create new stories for how to create purposeful lives. It has been a time of growth, healing and tremendous encouragement.

M. Larma

Nick told me that we all go through the ending alone and that in order to heal and grow we cannot get through by ourselves. The huge amount of support I gained from the book, the teaching, the session with Nick and from my fellow students was amazing.

Melanie N

There was no Divorce Workshops available near where I live. I was skeptical that an online class could help. The Workshop, with the technology, made it very easy and accessible. All my questions were always answered. The facilitation and teaching were excellent. I made friends with several students – we talk weekly. All of us grew so much as a result of the Workshop.

Dan P

I would like to start by saying that in the beginning of my breakup, before deciding to go through with the divorce process, I was a very lost soul. We were married for such a long time. I didn’t know which way was up and was very frightened. I had very unusual circumstances for why my wife and I decided to get a divorce. Personally, I did not want to go through a divorce, I was in denial and there was a lot of hurt. One day my therapist suggested joining a local meet up website to try and connect to new people. I was browsing around and I found the Rebuilders group. I went to the website and I filled out the questionnaire. I was then contacted and by my surprise I was invited to lunch and was given feedback based off my answers. I was a little suspicious about meeting with a group of strangers but I felt comfortable after the first night of the class. The emotions poured through and the healing process began. Not only did I participate in discussing my feelings, which I never do, but I also gained a sense of understanding and insight on why my marriage had ended. This process was not easy in the beginning but I allowed myself to share and really dig into who I am as a person and how to move on. I have gained many valuable friendships and a support group that may last the rest of my life. Nick and Tara, the group leaders, were very understanding and I admire what they do and what they continue to do considering they have been there themselves. Looking back, this was the best decision I have ever made. To be able to bond with others going through similar situations was very insightful and I learned so much. There is still so much to learn about life and my new journey being single again and now I have direction and the fear has become my strength to move on and maybe one day love again.


My overall experience with Rebuilders was extremely insightful and educational in regards to the path back to the loving independent person I know I am. Nick was inspirational in guiding fellow classmates through each week, and holding our hand along the path to becoming whole again. I looked forward to meeting each week to learn from others and share my experiences. There were times during the program Nick would reach out to check on participants and their well-being. He went above and beyond what I expected. I wish I had known about this seminar during earlier losses in my life because I feel inspired and now know that my healing has been accelerated as a result of this seminar. It has been a lifesaver, literally.


Enrolling in the Rebuilders Workshop literally saved my life. I was in such pain and couldn’t stop crying even though almost a year had passed since my divorce. My doctors recommended numerous books and prescribed countless prescriptions, but I was stuck in my grief. The longer I was stuck, the more fearful I became. It was a vicious cycle. My heart was squeezed so tight, I could barely breathe. I never experienced such pain. I was losing hope and wished I was dead. I completed the Self-Test online and Nick immediately called to offer support. I signed up for his 10-week course and not only did real healing begin, but Nick gave us valuable tools needed to move forward and build a more authentic life. Everyone who participated in our seminar agreed it was life-changing. Overall Satisfaction = 10.


Frequently Asked Questions

  • What exactly does Rebuilders do? We move people through the emotional process and shift their mindset so that they can focus on their future and build healthy and happy relationships.

  • At what point can we help people? The program is 30 years old. Ideas, exercises and topics have been tried and tested many different ways, on thousands of people. The result is a highly effective, efficient program. It doesn't matter whether you are considering divorce, in the divorce process, or divorced for years. It works for everyone.

  • I'm in therapy. How is this different? Therapy and coaching are different in a lot of ways. Coaching works with who you are now to quickly learn new skills. The group experience is invaluable and part of what makes this so life-changing.

  • I'm scared to make this decision. Yes, many people are. Being afraid is being human. Having courage is acknowledging your fear and moving forward. Finally, consider this: it is only in times that we push ourselves into something that is unknown that we grow. Staying in the same place and doing the same things brings the same result.

  • I can't afford this program. Is there anything you can do for me? We are committed to providing solutions for people at all budgets. Most people can find a program and payment plan that works for them.

  • What if I'm not divorced yet? That’s okay. Many people find that being in one of our programs is like having a friend to be with you during the process.

  • How often do the group classes occur? The Workshop classes are held weekly and last 10 weeks. We have classes that are on weeknights. We usually have a new class starting every few months.

  • My situation is different. Why would it work for me? Yes. Every divorce is different. However, this program has been refined for over 30 years. THOUSANDS of people have taken it. If you apply yourself to doing the work, we have no doubt that it will work for you.

  • Should I wait until my divorce is final? If you are in a REALLY chaotic time during your divorce and you don’t have the time to devote to learning, then you should wait a little. However, we have found that people outside of only the most chaotic times will benefit.

  • You mention that this is coaching and not therapy. What is the difference? Coaching takes where you are and helps you get to where you want to be. Therapy can sometimes focus on your past.

  • How do I get started? Click on one of the buttons on this page to take the next step.

How Our Program Works

Step 1


Your thinking, mindset, beliefs, and values all influence how you respond to the traumatic experience of divorce. We show you how 95% of people think and how the other 5% think. We show you how you can step outside of the normal trap that keeps people stuck.

Step 2


Many people suppress, depress, or repress their feelings. Divorce brings so many "difficult" feelings. We give you tools to work through them, use them, and feel the "good" feelings again.

Step 3


In marriages, people "lose" themselves. When the marriage ends, they don't know who they are as a single person. We help you connect with yourself so that you can be comfortable being alone in your own skin.

How Our Program Works

Step 1


Your thinking, mindset, beliefs,, and values all influence how you respond to the traumatic experience of divorce. We show you how 95% of people think and how the other 5% think. We show you how you can step outside of the normal trap that keeps people stuck.

Step 2


Many people suppress, depress, or repress their feelings. Divorce brings so many "difficult" feelings. We give you tools to work through them, use them, and feel the "good" feelings again.

Step 3


In marriages people "lose" themselves. When the marriage ends they don't know who they are as a single person. We help you connect with yourself so that you can be comfortable being alone in your own skin.

NoCo Rebuilders: Healing from Divorce in Northern Colorado

All Rights Reserved © Copyright 2024



DISCLAIMER: The student results stated anywhere on this website are individual data points and are not guaranteed. Every student will have different results, and we are not implying that you will duplicate them. We have the benefit of providing support to people for over 10 years. The average person who simply purchases any "how-to" program may not follow through on what they are being taught, and because of that we cannot guarantee any specific results. We are using these references for example purposes only. Individual results will vary and depend on many factors--including, but not limited to, background, experience, and work ethic. All growth entails risk as well as the need for self-care and regulation. If you are not willing to accept that, this is not for you.

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